Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


Free Fatty Acids (FFA)  is the acid which was released on the hydrolysis of fat. There are various kinds of fat, but for calculations, FFA levels of palm oil is considered as palmitic acid (molecular weight 256).
Meat palm oil contains lipase which can cause damage to the oil quality when disrupted cellular structure.
Enzyme which resides in the fruit flesh tissue is inactive because of veiled by a layer of vacuoles, and so can not interact with a lot of oil contained in the fruit flesh. Still active below 15 degrees C and non-active with the temp above 50 degrees C.
CH2RCOO                                            CH2OH
l                                                               l
CHRCOO         +    3H2O     <--->       CHOH                        +          рей RCOOH
l                                                               l
CH2RCOO                                            CH2OH      

TAG    +   H2O   <--->   DAG   +   ALB
DAG   +   H2O    <--->   MAG  +   ALB
MAG   +  H2O    <---->  Gliserol + ALBCH2RCOO CH2OH

Fat hydrolysis reaction is reversible equilibrium reaction condition is achieved when the reaction rate of fat digestion with the reaction of the formation of fat.
Fat hydrolysis reactions take place in stages that is the formation of diacylglycerol isomers, the formation of alpha & betha monoasilgliserol and the formation of glycerol.

Before the oil extraction process carried out, first-tam fruit boiled in stelizer. One aim is to not activate the enzyme activity. In existing oil palm fruit lipase and oxidase enzymes are still working before it was stopped by means of physics and chemistry.

How physics is by heating at temperatures that can degrade proteins. Lipase acts as a catalyst in the formation of triglycerides and then break it back into free fatty acids (FFA).

Oxidase plays a role in the formation of peroxide which is then oxidized again and breaks into clusters aldehide and cations. The latter compound when oxidized again will become acidic. So FFA found in palm oil is the result of lipase and oxidase.

The higher enzyme activity when the injured fruit. To reduce the enzyme activity reached the plant cultivated for oil palm fruit is not damaged and the fruit is not rotten. Enzyme was not active anymore pad temperature of 50 degrees C. Therefore Sterilizer boiling in the temperature of 120 degrees C will stop the enzyme.

Several process variables affecting the acquisition of fatty acids such as the influence of temperature, fruit maturity, fruit wounding levels, stirring, adding water, the addition of CPO and long storage.

1. Effect of Temperature

From the research that has been done, shows that fatty acid levels highest obtained at room temperature (25 oC - 27 oC). Lipase on oil palm fruit are inactive at a temperature of 8 ° C cooling and on heating at 50 oC.
In general, temperatures were very influential in chemical reactions, where the temperature rise will increase the reaction rate. The nature of the inactivated enzyme at high temperature, the enzymatic process is no limit on the temperature so that enzymes can work optimally. Decrease in enzyme activity at high temperature effect caused by protein denaturation.
also at low temperature, enzyme activity also decreased as a result of enzyme denaturation.

2. Effect of Water Addition

Water has an influence on the reactions that occur, and this effect is basically the help of contact between the substrate with the enzyme. Lipase active at the surface (interface) between layers of oil and water, so by doing the stirring, the water content in the fruit will be able to help prevent these contacts.
In this hydrolysis process, a stoichiometric excess of water on the fruit had to produce fatty acid (water content of fruit is about 28%), but because the water is in the solid it is necessary to pelumatan fruit and then performed the stirring. In addition, to overcome / prevent water shortages.
Effect of water content in the product attained a very large, where a very large water content resulted in a reaction between fatty acids and glycerol can not happen properly.

3. Effect of wounding and Stirring Fruit

Lipase is not in oil, but is in the fiber. The level of fruit wounding and stirring affect the hydrolysis process because it will help prevent contact between the enzyme and the oil (substrate). This is because the position of the oil palm fruit lipase is not known with certainty, so to overcome this, the fruit must be crushed into powder, then mixed back oil and fiber. With such a process is evident that the fatty acid content obtained was higher than if the fruit is not crushed into powder (just crushed / injured).
Stirring speed settings on this reaction needs to be done, because in this process of stirring affects the contact time between water, substrates and enzymes. In addition, because the stirring is a mixture of fiber and oil, then the selection of the design of the mixer is very necessary to be noticed.

4 Effect of Fruit Maturity

Fruit contained on a single oil palm fruit bunches will not mature simultaneously. Fruit that is in the outer layers are usually more mature when compared to fruit that is in the deeper part. This resulted in the different percentage of oil contained in each fruit that are in a bunch.
In the oil palm fruit, the ripe fruit of the oil level will be higher. With increasing oil content in fruit then enzymatically hydrolysis process would happen faster, so the acquisition of fatty acids will be higher.

5. Effect of storage duration

Naturally, free fatty acids will be formed over time, either because microbial activities as well as hydrolysis with lipase catalyst assistance. However, free fatty acids that form is considered as a result of hydrolysis using the enzyme lipase present in oil palm fruit.

6. Effect of CPO

In this process, the reaction rate is lower when the addition levels of CPO on the mix between the fiber and oils is increasing. This can occur because the enzyme lipase which is in the fruit is saturated or limited in number, while the amount of substrate is very excessive. The speed of reaction depends on the concentration of lipase, not on substrate concentration.

The properties of the lipase enzyme is as follows:
• Optimum Temperature: 35 ° C, at a temperature of 50 C. The enzyme was most damaged.
• Optimum pH: 4.7 to 5.0
• molecular weight: 45000-50000
• Able to work in aerobic and anaerobic
• co-factor: Ca + +, Sr + +, Mg + +. Of the three co-factors are the most effective is the Ca + +
• Inhibitors: Zn2 +, Cu2 +, Hg2 +, iodine, versene

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Kebakaran Kilang Pertamina Cilacap

Penyebab Kebakaran Kilang Pertamina Cilacap Belum Diketahui

Proses pemadaman terkendala oleh kerasnya tiupan angin, Selain itu proses pemadaman juga terhambat oleh bahan pendingin di dalam tangki yang belum terbakar, yang tidak mampu melindungi dari rembetan api. Pemadaman juga menghadapi kendala akibat pompa penyalur isi tangki atau alat untuk mengosongkan tangki ikut terbakar.

penyebab kebakaran kilang pertamina cilacap belum diketahui polisi dan pertamina sedang konsentrasi memadamkan api dan melokalisir warga sekitar kilang minyak

Penyebab Kebakaran Kilang Pertamina Cilacap Belum Diketahui
Polisi Belum Investigasi Penyebab Kebakaran Kilang Pertamina Cilacap Saat ini konsentrasi utama adalah melakukan upaya pemadaman dan melokalisir warga yang berada di sekitar kilang minyak tersebut. “Konsentrasi utama yaitu upaya-upaya pemadaman atau melokalisir, dan nanti pada tahap berikutnya kita akan masuk ke tahap penyidikan, keterkaitan itu tentu ada. Tapi kita belum melakukan (penyidikan),” ujar Kapolda Jateng Irjen Pol Edward Aritonang di lokasi kebakaran kilang minyak Pertamina di Cilacap, Jateng, Minggu 3 April 2011.
Petugas telah menginterogasi pihak-pihak yang diduga mengetahui awal mula terjadinya kilang pertamina terbakar. Menurut Edward, “Semuanya masih penuh konsentrasi pada pemadaman dan nanti kita akan melihat hal-hal yang mendukung, siapa yang bertugas, petugas terakhir, saksi pertama yang melihat dan sebagainya. Belum kita lakukan untuk pemeriksaan formal, tapi interogasi sudah dilakukan pada beberapa orang dalam pertamina mengenai penyebab kebakaran kilang pertamina cilacap belum diketahui“.
Hingga minggu pagi ini penyebab kebakaran kilang pertamina cilacap belum diketahui, kilang pertamina terbakar dan api sudah membakar 3 tangki dari 4 tangki yang ada di kilang 31. Saat ini pihak pertamina fokus melakukan pemadaman agar proses penyelidikan oleh tim Laboratorium Forensik bisa segera dilaksanakan, seperti yang dilakukan pada kilang Pertamina yang pernah kebakaran di Plumpang, Jakarta Utara.
Agar api tidak merambat ke tangki 32 T.104 Manajer Media Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro mengatakan saat ini fokus ke pemadaman. Sedangkan untuk penyebab kebakaran Kilang Pertamina Cilacap belum diketahui akan diselidiki nanti setelah api padam.
“Mereka juga sudah membuat tirai foam kemarin. Dan juga sudah membuahkan hasil, temperatur tangki tetap stabil. Foam yang saat ini ada di sini sudah lebih dari cukup mudah-mudahan bisa berguna untuk memadamkan api. Bisa ditembakkan ke lokasi yang dibutuhkan,” jelas mantan presenter TV swasta ini.
Semoga api cepat padam dan segera terungkap penyebab kebakaran kilang pertamina cilacap belum diketahui

Angin kencang dan cuaca buruk menyulitkan penanganan kebakaran tangki minyak Pertamina UP IV Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Api yang membakar tangki berisi high octane mogas component (HOMC) atau bahan pembantu pembuatan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) justru merambat ke kilang di sebelahnya.

"Kondisi angin yang cukup kencang membuat upaya pemadaman agak sulit sehingga tangki yang di sebelahnya T3103 mengalami kebakaran. Ini tidak bisa dihindari," kata Vice President Coorporate Communication Pertamina, M Harun, saat dihubungi, Sabtu, 5 Maret 2011.

Hingga saat ini, tambah dia, pihak Pertamina masih berupaya mengosongkan tangki. Harun berharap, malam nanti cuaca tak seganas siang dan sore ini. "Sehingga bisa efektif memadamkan api."

Saat ini, tambah Harun, pihaknya sedang mengupayakan evakuasi para pekerja dan warga di sekitar kilang minyak. "Bekerja sama dengan Pemda Cilacap. Sekarang kami masih melakukan evaluasi."

Soal pasokan BBM, masyarakat diminta tak panik. Sebab. dua tangki masih beroperasi. "Dua tangki yang masih beroperasi berisi 1,4 juta kiloliter premium dan secara keseluruhan kami punya cadangan 3,2 juta kiloliter. Jadi masih cukup, tidak terganggu, nggak usah khawatir."

Sebelumnya, terjadi ledakan tangki Naptha 31T2 pada pukul 04.30 WIB, Sabtu 2 April 2011. Sebagai gambaran, jarak antar tangki yang terbakar, sekitar 20-30 meter, dipisahkan tanggul.

Pertamina saat ini sedang mengupayakan penambahan foam untuk membantu memadamkan api dan usaha melokalisir kembali api. Sementara itu, usaha pengosongan tanki tetap terus dilaksanakan, begitu juga usaha mencegah penyebaran api dengan cara menggunakan tirai air di tangki-tangki lain yang terdekat.  

Warga Cilacap, Rizki Febrian Krisnawati menggambarkan situasi kota itu sore ini. "Api terlihat dari jarak 10 kilometer, bahkan lebih. Asap hitam membubung ke udara, langit terlihat merah," kata dia.

Ini bukan kali pertamanya, musibah menimpa Pertamina UP IV Cilacap. "Tahun 1995 lalu, Cilacap seperti lautan api. Waktu itu ada 10 tangki yang meledak akibat sambaran petir."